Friday, May 25


Down some artificial 38 degrees
juicing up on 9.8 m/s to overcome
the math of a drag coefficient; then
a heavy push, or something (as if
I'd know; I watched some guys do it
on TV when I was a kid in the 90s).

And then--
there you are,
sailing in the air
with your skis on
several buildings high. 
Good luck.

Personally, I would of course die
upon impact, having no training;
so these would be moments
full of profound implication:
final thoughts, memories, maybe
a regret or two, incomplete hopes.

But as my mind recites this life, I hope
I would notice that nothing propels me
except what I did before, and
the weight of what I am.

In a way, it's just floating.
in fact, it only differs
at the start, if you want to
think about it that way.

The question, therefore, is when
we start the jump

and if it has already begun, then
to relax: we all die on impact.

may 2018

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