Wednesday, October 30


curious, the assumption
we have things to say.

let us ominously juxtapose:
we are too bored to stay,
too busy to go.

entertain this for a space.
what things have we to say?
truth? as told
by Kennedy or Keats?
laughably i propose
we continue to juxtapose:
speak beauty to power!

no, no--call this unintended consequence
of our ancestors' lofty dreams for what it is.
the educated masses remain illiterate:
despite our many means to say them,
we have no things to say.

october 2013

Wednesday, October 23


Time cycles on; a grey fall afternoon approaches
several years hence
in which the leaves will carry on the wind
our many current cares forgotten.
Live in that crystal time
where the troubles of our many morning horrors
are but stains upon some long-discarded dress.
Disasters come and go; let love, and strength, and grace
remain--let life be sweet, for all the time between
is either sweet, or nothing.

September 2013