Wednesday, September 23


And all of it,
my child--
was Grace.
Was Grace, that pulled her away;
was Grace, that stripped you bare
and set you apart
in a dark and silent horror.
Was Grace, that spun her webs
of love, and mercy
to save your stumbling self
from the Death one dies alone.
September 2015

Wednesday, September 16

The View from Ox and Old Chain Bridge

sometimes i watch
the whole gliding mass
drifting up over the hillcrest and down,
sloped like a mist, stretched across
the contours of the Earth--

and sometimes i pick out
one two-point object from the flickering
stream: we flow together predictably,
approach this intersection where
we both take Human shape--

and swoop wide right:
around: and through: while i sit and wait
to glide, drift, flicker, flow;
journey interrupted like a meteor
falling toward the Sun--

when we die, we'll say
life was how it had to be: churned and coursed
through channels impervious, necessary.
and then we'll watch the gliding mass
settle like dew upon the Spring.

September 2015

Thursday, September 10


The sky drips onto my window
And the universe is a woman
Who must be approached
Carefully, tenderly, patiently:
Not bought like a whore but loved
Like the bride idealized in
Our heads, as young men.

(This hill gives back
My miles-per-gallon--
Something I track
Like a game; like baseball
--On the way back down,
Like a cloud giving back
A droplet to the glass.)

And this, the patient Grace of hills
Being fair, can take a millennium.
She does not confine her rule
To our meager Human lives. We die
Like raindrops in a passing storm,
And the one who bore us all
Lives on: shall still justly rule
At the end of Human things, when 
Words themselves expire.

September 2015