Wednesday, July 13

the only habits i've ever formed

so, i have astonishingly little capability for establishing a routine.  forming habits like exercising, performing household chores, blogging, that sort of thing?--not unless i find them absolutely necessary or enjoyable.  oh, i'll obsess and rage about something for a week, maybe make a schedule and blah blah blah...but it'll all fall apart.  the only consistent habit i've managed to form is avoiding habits.

(sidebar: when i live alone, it gets worse.  this past weekend i forgot to eat--seriously, on sunday i started getting hungry and thought, "huh, that's funny, i can't remember any meals yeste--ohhhh.")

this has not been easy for my mother or my wife to accept.  not out of control; they both see many positive habits from which i could doubtless benefit if only i'd be habitual enough to form them.  alas & alack, it shall never be.

at least i thought so, until i met my match.

it turns out the stupid cats and their stupid yelling and their stupid cat pee and their stupid cat CATTINESS turned me into a mindless, driven robot.  i feed them every morning, i feed them every evening, i clean out their litter box like a blind slave--in short, they accomplished in under a month what i've been successfully avoiding from every woman in the past 26 years.  touche, feline pests.  but i'll outlive you--and then...!