Friday, October 29


i see within the negative space of your photograph myself
by which is defined each membership of group-
ings that rely upon each individual, reciprocally, for definition.
"i am Spartan," where is Sparta? where Spartans live,
and who are they? these many faces, each saying "i am thus."
okay: i, as well, lean heavily upon mutual dependence,
in negative relationship of explanation: "because i am Not
so-and-so," excluding myself by (self-carrying) images thereof,


october 2010


in uncredited performance(artless, un-staged)
laughter: the thinking man's compliant contradiction
apologies: his approximation of concern
for the violence of egos put upon him--

behind the ballet, a room of mirrors.
and writing: a library full of edits.
paintings hang on walls apart from painters.
& a coda!--then musicians dip off stage,
private, belonging to themselves again.

Not so;
in uncredited performance
i am the oil between iron gear-wheels
upon which commerce exerts your right
to an equal and opposite--

october 2010

Friday, October 15


these black lines
carry Civilization

yellow droplets in a dark hill
(porch-lit suburban avenues),
blinking red-white beacon beams
across our dim horizons:
all these dripping slow from
our black-stretched lines,
hung from frowning iron gallows,
dead forests of limb-stripped trees.

carrying pictures, songs, our many
absent-made rubber-coat conversations
this stretched blanket-net
(though silent here)
noisily quiet violent instinct,
pouring pools of orange light
to keep us safe from us
and shivering gutter men
with shadowy lips.

lines sway;
a storm's swirling
in cloudy thought...

enormous wind, wind! runs through
and over, huge around my eyes
peering up at these black lines
now snapping! whipping!
pulling fierce upon their iron anchors!
Nature strains against the Lilliputian strings
that bind her children to the earth
in pretty hats and scarves.

in violent rage She sees and despises
her ancient, Ancestral worshipers modernized:
barbarians in cologne & red stilettos!
She wordless seethes and violent gusts again.
no fool, She knows who is to blame
for long before these rubber-coated lines were forged
her sons lived naked: wild and free!
now net-blanketed in a web of spider-string,
protected only by enslavement to such
false, false gods!

and with a mighty pull She breaks one line.
lights die across the patchwork hills, becoming one
silhouetted mass, the distant yellow droplets dry,
our long horizon beacons now sudden ghost-grey hilltop spikes;
we new barbarians let loose our wild beards,
feel grim freedom crawling behind us in the shadow
looking skyward from blackened porches
into an ancient night; though born to slavery,
we loudly now reclaim dark Nature!
forgotten Matriarch, we return!

may '06
dec '09
oct '10

Thursday, October 14

Customer Service


I make no requests upon you -- so
we are at peace.
Your demands do not assail me.

The number eight is a promise of infinity
from the confines of mortality.
Do not be ashamed:
it is a frothy age, full of ignorance and life.
The horizons of eight are near, near indeed,
to be such unimagined heights & distant dreams.

In the autumn I smell the aroma of my death:
several years hence yet, I think,
and more potent so.  It is the smell of
falling, drying, a returning and surrender to the Earth.

Your heels strike heavy on the Earth.
Unnecessarily; a grace of mind
is lightness, bedeviling gravity.

His pink child's knapsack matches well
his cold professional suit, demeanor, and
his daughter's contented peace.

Slow!  But yes, there is a third floor, son,
whose locked and hallowed spaces
fill your daydreams:
a quiet place, peopled by grave adults
bored and overfamiliar.  They do not dream
except of places known, faint-remembered,
well-photographed, islands of sun-sand and childhood.
Nothing grand, imagined, as you so easily compose.
Now slow!  Watch for the cars.

(They are carrying it
across the street again.
Do they only have the one?)

photo courtesy of my brother
oct 2010



i am a brick wall overused and weather grooved;
i have survived my toiling creators without joy--
if ever they spackled joy into my heavy constitution.
my valiant mortar champions on uncracked, unchipped,
but i, a thing of tired pieces, no longer cheer it on.
pass, pass! let me crumble apart in peace.

and: i am sorry how my hollow frame could not
more support provide. filled only with square brick
i sit at a hallway's end gazing silent into void;
we know not of vacuums if they are too empty
or too full, as of myself: a fragile body full of bricks.

oct 2010

Sunday, October 10



sky cracks open
and brilliant we drip, drip
out and through! like guilt.
in chaos i meet you--
tumble down and churn
can winds move lightning?
or can we?
the highest point,
the highest point,
be careful thereof--
however static is the danger
as science assures.
i am the cone of evaporated rain
following your electric shrapnel burst,
we fit. tumbling
together from a crack
at the highest point,
we fit, our free fall panic
by void
we are shards together
piece by piece.


full and fair

amidst our grime, she is a jewel discovered, 
a rare thing in the sand--
she bends to touch our misery, but the poet speaks:

"with all respect, you've never failed like us before.
we nightly pray you never shall: we hope in you!
for you are full and fair, your life-lit eyes held wide
in these teeming streets of gutter'd skeletons;
we gaunt bones will clatter here for many years to come
and bid you onward go! we beg you soon forget you ever saw us thus!
for we have put our forward dreams in you:
no-one hopes in us; not even us. we are despair."

the pretty thing comes up abrupt; startles;
and quickly steps around. we are once more alone--
yet also of the poet skeleton had once these words been writ:

"we hope in you! for you are full and fair, 
your life-lit eyes held wide--"
