Sunday, July 26


The coarsening of our society is a direct response to our well-financed and heavily advertised pursuit of unmerited thrills. Modern Man sees far more murders splayed out across his hundred-inch plasma screen than ever Medieval Man saw across his mudded fields or even battlements. And these are murders full of action, story, horror, surprise--but not of blood spilled across our own shoes and mixed with our own morning air. These are murders meant to thrill; meant to tease; meant to move the story on and pass us through our convincingly boring lives.

And so we callously become the very crowd that shocks us still: the mob who saunters by the body in the street, the trampled child in our way. We, the un-thrilled masses, unfeeling and unfelt, no mercy tender to our brethren Man: for what money is there in that?

July 2015

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