Name it
or don't--
anxiety clawing a hole in my chest
oh that's trite, isn't it?
Mosquitos slinking around, landing:
not sure why I'm like this
maybe I could sleep it off,
maybe that would make it worse.
Do loud noises set it off
cacophony of happy childhoods
or autocorrect, say everything twice:
I might be a good parent
but do I hate parenting? I think I do.
Endless interruption
endless interruption
endless interr--
try not to be short with the little ones.
I'm having an anxiety attack.
I don't have time to but I am:
the questions don't ever stop so
I guess I'll have this crisis later.
Sure kid, let's play
hey Dad
Dad. Dad. Dad.
There's a scream in my throat
I'll let it out when I'm fifty maybe
or from the grave.