Saturday, May 30


endless blue summer
inside the cascade—
still mountain pools
while the rest, in moments
leap and fall in endless creation

May 2020

Sunday, May 24

Campfires' descent

The descent of an early campfire
is the soul of any new beginning:
bright, and fierce, and quick, and yet
with none of the patient embers
upon which all its future heat depends.

May 2020

Saturday, May 16


Seeds are inert
until meeting the Earth
then life springs forth—
majestic, relentless
following its program
to inhabit the universe.

May 2020

Thursday, May 14

A mathematical note on the vector of streams

Taken as a movement of volume
deeper waters, with their greater space
need not speed their waters through;
whereas in shallows, thin or narrow,
the stream must push its water
quickly over the tumbling pebbles.
Also, I noticed
the water shivers most in those eddies
where it hides behind a stone, idle;
the smoothest surfaces are moving
heading somewhere, intentional,
a volume, a body in motion.

May 2020

Monday, May 11


Moments after sunset
the last light arcing above me
lends the atmosphere a golden scent
echoing off a single cloud adrift
from a source I can no longer see—
an image of bright hope
for things unseen.

May 2020

Friday, May 8


Sometimes our bodies pile
like firewood in a jumble
full of potential heat & light
energy in a static state—
then the tickled child squirms
and the fire leaps to life again.

May 2020