glug glug in the gantry
a vision for fairy
tales out of school
in the cabernet dark;
the pin prick stars circle
brief bubbles in a swirl
(look, its got legs)
nose ascends from the murk;
and we’re tipping up, stemless,
first-growth in a solo
—the arrogance of drowning
the fruit for its spark
as if the universe
could grant us more meaning
beyond its own being
and our own silent curse.
April 2020
a vision for fairy
tales out of school
in the cabernet dark;
the pin prick stars circle
brief bubbles in a swirl
(look, its got legs)
nose ascends from the murk;
and we’re tipping up, stemless,
first-growth in a solo
—the arrogance of drowning
the fruit for its spark
as if the universe
could grant us more meaning
beyond its own being
and our own silent curse.
April 2020