You are the Earth
on which i am established:
a rock on which to build--
yet, hear me. these grasses,
the flowering soil, even trees
and great clustered forests:
i miss them as they pass,
giving way to lonesome Peace.
You are more, i know:
are Gravity, which binds me to the dirt;
are Energy, which collects my molecules
into this solid machine, and its endless rhythm.
forgive my prayers, sometimes echoed
from the Beloved, as Forsaken
in the gasp of abandonment.
You are the fires on my horizons
every dawn and settling night;
are the stars in their holy paths;
are Life itself, in all its coursing ways.
we asked for Peace, and Peace
You gave to us. but now at rest,
i grieve the loss such Peace has cost
and ache inside my stony heart
for the tenderness only passing things possess.
November 2015